I have written about R, the open-source programming language for statistical computing, throughout the blog. However, I understand that my readers, traditionally Excel users, may not even have R installed on their machines or programmed much before.
The purpose of this resource guide, then, is to serve as a “mission control” for getting you off the ground with R, particularly if you come from Excel.
You’ll start by getting R up and running on your machine, peruse some blog posts and other good resources, then continue your journey with my book.

To get the checklist, subscribe below. This will give you access to my entire resource library, with other checklists, demos and more.
When you sign up below, you’ll receive two emails: the first is a general orientation to my newsletter and resource library. A few minutes later, a link to this guide will arrive.
Sign up below for the checklist and access to my resource library: 👇
Thanks for reading and be sure to peruse the other great content on the blog and in my resource library.
If you want to immerse yourself in R, check out my book Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R. More information about the book including how to read for free is available here.
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