Since 2019, I’ve been conducting business as Stringfest Analytics. I’m often asked about the name’s significance, so here goes:

Family “ties”
When my father was looking for a business name of his own, my elderly grandfather suggested “Stringfest.” Why? “Because that’s what you do in business — you tie loose strings together!” It makes sense, but…
…for the staid insurance industry, the quirky name “Stringfest” didn’t sit right. So, my dad named his business after his initials, and I took “Stringfest.” (Being in tech, I can get away with zany.)
The “family tie” to Stringfest already makes it a keeper, but the name works on other levels:
Stringed instruments
They don’t get much love these days, but in my younger days, I played a lot of music. In particular, I enjoyed stringed instruments: first, the violin (which I started in fourth grade), then the guitar (which I picked up a few years later).
A stringfest is a jamboree for string players, so the name is also a homage to my musical interests.
Computer strings
One type of “string” I do spend lots of time with these days is the “computer” string; that is, a sequence of characters.
So much of what I do is write about computers, technology and data. It’s a “string-fest:” another tick.
All in a name
Many business names these days don’t carry much meaning, especially the more unusual ones.

Turns out Stringfest has that rare name combination of zany and meaningful. In fact, my logo is even a play on my surname: see the “M” now?
I’ve enjoyed building this brand all the more given the multiple levels of meaning that “Stringfest” conjures. Thank you for letting me build it. I hope to develop data solutions for your organization that are just as meaningful.