I know very little about gambling. But these very literal "games of probability" make great examples for teaching statistics. The law of large …
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Analytics & AI for Modern Excel
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I know very little about gambling. But these very literal "games of probability" make great examples for teaching statistics. The law of large …
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I'm excited to share that I have two new O'Reilly Online Learning courses coming up in April 2020: First Steps with Power Query for Microsoft Excel Course description: Power Query is a …
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In a previous post I explained how to install RStudio, a popular integrated development environment for the R programming language. Open up RStudio for the first time and it might look like …
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In a recent post I walked through baseball's Pythagorean theorem in Excel. I am finding baseball statistics a great post subject for a variety of reasons: it's freely available, it can be analyzed in …
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Baseball fan? Excel fan? Of course there's a way to combine our nation's two pastimes. Michael Lewis's Moneyball popularized Bill James and the "sabermetrics" school of applying statistical methods …
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Special thanks to Alan at Computergaga for inspiration on this post. One of the first days at a new job, I was sitting with a coworker going over a spreadsheet. As I went to type in =SUM( to add a …
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