Central Hall, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI
Ah, guest posting. It’s something that you’re supposed to do as a blogger. They give you access to new, bigger audiences who are eager to find new authors.
Sometimes I find the right outlet difficult. The economics of blogging allows your voice to be so niche and unique that the only place right to publish your work, well, your own blog.
But, what better match than writing for the blog of my alma mater, Hillsdale College?
My post is about the liberal arts and innovation. As a graduate student in design and innovation, I have found my liberal arts training to be invaluable to how I think about technology, rather than a waste of time, as commonly assumed.
Liberal arts are essential for innovation because liberal arts transcend any particular time, place or technology. They promote empathy for the human condition, a precondition for great design. The disdain for the liberal arts is counterproductive – they are a necessary piece of the innovation equation.
Check out the post.
And while you are there, check out the rest of Hillsdale’s blog and the site in general. It is a special school, and I credit much of my intellectual curiosity and success to my time there.
Great post!
I majored in history (esp. intellectual history) in a school that had a strong engineering school, and I often found myself explaining to engineering students what I was hoping to gain by studying history – perspective.
It’s been invaluable in everything I’ve done since, including technical economics and applied econometrics.
Thanks, Matt! (Matt and I had a great mini-roundtable on this topic a while back — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vLSOWIwXqg.) Always fun talking this topic with you.