Power Query is rightly known for its abilities to clean data in Excel. But did you know about its data profiling powers? Let’s take a look now at a modified version of the penguins dataset.
Learn how to import a table into Excel Power Query here.
What is data profiling?
Think of it as your first look at the data from 30,000 feet. It allows you to understand its basic content, relationships and issues. Some questions you might ask as part of profiling:
- How accurate is this data? Is there anything obviously wrong with it?
- Is it clear what every variable and observation is supposed to be measuring?
- Do we have all the data we think we’ll need to answer this question? Is there data missing?
- If the data’s in Excel, are there formula errors that could impact our work?
- Has all of the data been transcribed correctly?
Data profiling in Power Query
It makes sense that Power Query would include some data profiling features. After all, how can you clean the data if you don’t understand what makes it dirty?
That said, data profiling is somewhat off the beaten path in the Power Query Editor: head to the View tab of the ribbon to find it in the “Data Preview” group:
Let’s walk through what toggling on each of these five options will do.

“Monospaced” and “Show whitespace”
Start by checking on the first two options. These will change the appearance of the data in the Power Query editor:
- “Monospaced” will render the data as fixed-width text.
- “Show whitespace will render any leading spaces in the data.

These are good to know about (especially if you need to trim text!), but the real power lies in the next options.
“Column quality” and “Column distribution”
Next, check these two options. You will see a box appear above each column showing what percentage of values are valid, error and empty, along with a distribution of values.
What is a valid cell?
By “valid,” Excel simply means it’s not empty and it’s not an error. That means you could have nonsensical data in a column and Power Query would still pick it up as “valid,” such as the value in row 71 of the sex column:

values for sex
have a 99 in it?Empty cells
Clearly, “99” is not really a valid entry for the sex column. In fact, due to a transcription error these cells were filled with 99 instead of left missing, or null.
To see what a true missing value looks like in Power Query, head to row 296:

Power Query’s use of null
You will see several entries in row 296 marked as null; this is the right way to leave a cell empty for Power Query! Notice that for each of these columns, <1% of cells are marked as “Empty” in the Column quality menu.
Finally, to understand the Error category, stay on row 296 but check out the bl_bd_ratio column. This column was derived in Excel by dividing bill_length_mm by bill_depth_mm. Because each cell was left empty in Excel, the formula results in a #DIV/0 error.
Cell Errors
You can confirm by clicking on the white space outside the Error message in this cell:

calculation in ExcelThe Column quality menu is a great way to get a quick breakdown of the contents of each column in your data.
Column distribution

This option displays a visualization of the data’s distribution along with some other information alongside Column Quality. However, these features are all available in the Column Profile menu, so we’ll focus there next.
“Column profile”

Last but not least, click on the Column Profile menu, then select any column. Here’s what you will see, for example, under the species column:
Here we’ll get an in-depth breakdown of the values in this column, including a visualization of how many observations are found for each value.
Why three options for Adelie? This has to do with the extra whitespace in some of the entries for this category! Once the data is cleaned in Power Query, this will go away. But we are profiling first.
Column profiling and descriptive statistics

If you click on a quantitative column such as bill_depth_mm, you will see some additional column statistics such as the mean and standard deviation alongside the cell counts:
Pulling a column’s descriptive statistics is a great way to profile it, and Power Query gives us a full suite of measures without writing any formulas.
Overriding the thousand-row limit
If you are working with a dataset of greater than 1,000 rows (not uncommon these days), make sure include all of it in the data profiling by clicking toward the bottom of the editor and selecting “Column profiling based on entire data set.”

With Power Query’s data profiling capabilities we were able to:
- Quickly spot incorrectly formatted values
- Determine which columns contain invalid cells
- Visualize the distribution of each variable
Knowing what’s going on with the data at this high levels makes you much better prepared to clean it… which of course can be done in Power Query.
What questions do you have about Power Query or making the most of Excel for data analysis? Drop me a line.
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