I came to this short e-book from Forbes, where author Laura Shin writes regularly. While it took less than half a day to read (and is priced appropriately), the book has permanent take-aways.Shin …
Avoid Excel Lookup Errors Forever
We've all had that nasty feeling -- our vlookup formula returns an error, leaving a screaming #N/A where you had expected to see numbers. This is usually because of some loophole in your dataset -- …
Use this Excel Print Formatting Every Time
Even in the digital age, much of what is created on the computer gets printed. You can make a great spreadsheet, but if it doesn't look good in print, it loses credibility. Here is the formatting I …
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Filter Multiple Pivot Tables with One Slicer
Note: This is my first Excel post! I have improved since then, both in my blogging and Excel skills. I've made some modifications to the post, but the first paragraph remains for sentiment's …
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History, Statistics, and more interesting facts
Very informative piece here about the future of statistics in an age of data analytics. I had never considered the point that statistics and probability were disparate subjects until a couple of …
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Happy Spreadsheet Day!
With Apple, Uber, and other tech-savvy companies making big product announcements this time of year, you may have overlooked an anniversary. This week marks the 35th anniversary of the spreadsheet.I …