Know a good way to tell a Northerner from a Southerner?When a Northerner meets you, he'll ask "What do you do? A Southerner will ask "Where are you from?"This signifies the North's emphasis on …
Add Hyperlink in Excel
Ctrl + K allows you to insert a hyperlink in Excel. Be sure to use this when linking to the site! …
What day is it? Excel knows.
Ever been in such flow with your spreadsheet that you forgot what day it is? Here's a nice keyboard shortcut. Ctrl + ; will insert today's date. …
More Filtering Fun
Yesterday I quoted a tip on filters from "Learn Excel from Mr. Excel," a great read. Filters are a powerful Excel feature. They allow you to hone in on your data. The only problem is they're a little …
Introverts: Caves Optional
There's a common idea, even among some introverts, that introversion is the misanthrope's gene, cured only through spiteful solitary confinement.Funny, then , how it seems like the internet has placed …
Filter on just part of a tab in Excel
Usually when you apply a filter to your Excel workbook it applies to the whole data tab. Sometimes you don't want this. Here is a great workaround from "Learn Excel 2007 through Excel 2010 From …
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