Ctrl + 5 applies a strikethrough line to selected cells in Excel. This can be useful if you are collaborating with colleagues on a list-type project and want to clearly show when projects have been …
Open Borders?
Another quick formatting tip: Ctrl + Shift + _ will erase all border formatting from selected cells in Excel. …
Ctrl + 1derful!
I call formatting a necessary evil in Excel. It can easily take as long as the analysis itself -- but the nice thing is that good formatting makes for better, quicker data analysis.Keep the Ctrl+1 …
Double Up on Pivot Magic
Did you know that you can use the same value field twice in a #PivotTable? Follow these steps to include a % total or running total on your report. …
It’s Not What You Know, It’s How You Show.
It's not what you know, it's who you know.This line bothers me. It sounds almost conspiratorial, as if there is some group of others working together to hold you back.It's also a false dichotomy. How …
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Autosum = Awesome
The legendary "Mr Excel" Bill Jelen has shared that once at an Excel training seminar, someone asked him how we was adding up rows from within Excel."How do you add your data?" Bill asked."I get out …