A couple of weeks ago I heard John Cleese speak about creativity and reinvention at Content Marketing World. Among his many mind-blowing statements, my favorite was one thing that separating creative …
Marshall on Modeling
The 19th Century economist's famous steps on building and communicating economic models. One of my all-time favorite quotes. …
Excel Tip: Multiple Pivots with Report Filter Pages
If you've read my blog, you'll know that I love PivotTables.Subscribe for more Excel tips and get your free ebook on getting "Hired with Excel." One nuisance with PivotTable is report maintenance. If …
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In Defense of Long Tail Majors
Two books that have influenced my thinking lately are Tyler Cowen's Average is Over and Kevin Carey's The End of College. I even wrote a blog post on the latter.Both imply that comfortable …
Wealthy vs. Wise? Education’s Senseless Divide
Become a better analyst. Subscribe.I am passionate about education of all kinds.At my liberal arts college, I was in everything from the classics honorary to the orchestra to the political economy …
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It Takes Two to Price
Ben Yi wrote a great piece on Uber's surge pricing, how it works, and thoughts to improve it. I left a brief comment on Ben's post which I'd like to share. I've argued before that a good business …